Zero Export Device
Prevent power production loss caused by delays in net metering.
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What is Trackso’s Zero Export Device?
Making sure that no excess power production from the solar plant goes back into the grid is called Zero Export. In places like India, where getting approval for net metering can take 6-8 months, using a zero export device is especially useful.
Without it, you might end up wasting energy and money by sending extra power back to the grid. The zero export device helps avoid this by making sure only the necessary amount of energy is produced.

How Zero Export Device Works?
- Data Collection and Controlling: TrackSo Zero Export Controller Device is an advanced device that monitors and controls any reverse feed from the solar to the grid. This device gathers data from the MFM(bidirectional) meter on the incoming grid line and, based on the current load requirements, manages the inverters’ generation. It ensures that solar power generation matches the load demand, preventing excess power from flowing back to the grid and saving you from hefty fines.
- Data Sending and Storage: The controller then transmits the data to the TrackSo platform via the Internet, ensuring real-time visibility of your solar plants. Collected data is temporarily/permanently stored locally depending on the data logger model.
- Flexibility: These controllers include Digital Input/Output (DI/DO) ports, which can be used for controlling or monitoring additional devices like relays or alarms.

Key Features of TrackSo’s Zero Export Device
100+ brands compatible

Frequently Asked Questions
Can we monitor the system with this solution ?
Yes, the same device controls the setup as well as monitor the devices on TrackSo Solar IoT Platform.
Can it control and monitor 2 different Inverter brands on same device
Yes. It can even monitor 2 different inverters on 2 different protocols (Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP)
Which dongles brands/model are compatible with WM-Mega and WM-Mini ?
You can use any dongle which can function in mode-switch mode. Example Huawei E3372 for 4G network, Huawei E3531 for 2G (edge)/3G Network
My inverter brand doesn't allow power control on modbus. Can this work ?
No. If your inverter doesn’t allow power control over Modbus this solution will not work.
Meter to be installed on Grid Side is 200m away from Inverter. How to connect?
Communication between the inverter and meter can be realized in three different ways:
- a direct serial RS485 connection between the inverter and energy meter
- a direct Ethernet connection between the controller and energy meter (Modbus TCP enabled)
- through or an existing network infrastructure
What all parameters are controlled in Zero Export ?
Only Active Power Parameter of the inverter is controlled via Modbus commands.
Can this guarantee zero export over a day ?
Zero Export is not absolute. There is instantaneous power going into the grid for a few seconds when the load is changed drastically. But, overall, the system maintains the Zero Export condition under normal circumstances.
What is the frequency of power control ?
The default frequency of the device is 5 secs. The speed on power control also varies on the MODBUS communication speed of all inverters. Most of them respond or act within a few ms, so the power export happens in the same time range
Installing a Bi-Directional meter on Grid side is mandatory for Zero Export ?
Yes, this is mandatory. Compatible brands list is available in overview document above and also here
Why is Bi-directional meter is required on Grid Side
It helps in identifying any export to the utility grid, and import from the utility grid as per which inverter generation is then controlled to avoid export of energy.
Does unbalance load affects working of Zero Export ?
Inverters can only produce equal power on all the 3 phases and due to this restriction from inverter for maximum solar output balance load should be present. Controller provides following operating modes Option 1: Average power for all phases: This assumes the load is balance and accordingly set Power output of inverter. Option-2: Minimum power on any one phase-In case of unbalanced load controller can assume minimum power of any one phase and assume same is being produced by other two phases by doing this it ensures there is no export happening on all the 3 phases, but this will also result in low production.