Video Tutorials for TrackSo Solar Platform
Below videos will help you learn about TrackSo Solar Dashboard. Also, you will be able to learn how to manage your assets through data collection and analysis.

1. Solar Dashboard Overview
Learn how to use TrackSo Solar IoT Platform to monitor and analyse energy generation and performance of all your solar power plants
2. Download Energy Reports
Learn how to download daily/monthly/yearly energy generation reports for your solar power plants
3. Create customised dashboards
Use our unique feature called Mashup to create your own custom dashboard for each plant or for different use case
4. Create Energy Notifications
Use Notifications feature to create your Energy Notification for Multiple or single site
5. Alarm Engine Overview
Provides an overview of Alarm Engine covering Inverter Alarms, Communication Alarms & Rule Events
6. Custom Alarm Rules
Allow users to create customized alarms based on user-defined/template rules that let users create checkpoints on data and an alert mechanism to know when the problem is triggered.