Third-Party vs. OEM Solar Remote Monitoring

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Deciding between Third-Party Remote Monitoring providers and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) monitoring solution is a question many organizations wrestle with while purchasing data logging system for their Solar Power Plants. And while many companies feel more comfortable working with the OEMs, the reality is that choosing to work with Third-Parth providers could be the better option.

The advantage of working with a Third-Parth is giving many companies today creative alternatives to the usual OEM options. Often, these options will reduce maintenance cost and focus on the bigger picture of the plant maintenance.

Below is the overview our comparison:

1) Data Loggers
2) Remote Monitoring Platforms

All data-loggers 3rd Party or OEM sends data on Monitoring platform and thats where all O&M providers, EPC/installers mostly view or downlad the data.

Below is the comparison of of TrackSo Solar Remote Monitoring Platform vs OEM platforms