instant email alerts


Detecting solar plant failures accurately in time is as critical as implementing the best products & practices for high performance.  And honestly, it is only possible with an effective remote monitoring technology partner like TrackSo.


Why does it Matter?


Imagine not getting the plant failure alerts instantly. It can lead to hours of downtime to identify, diagnose & rectify the inverter faults. An early detection of plant failure can reduce the downtime by 30-40% saving huge generation losses. Our new system immediately alerts plant operators as soon as something goes wrong, allowing them to act fast and on the right fault, reducing downtime and consequential costs by 30%.


Real example:


One of theTrackSo’s most prestigious projects sizing 8.5 MWp with a renowned EPC in Madhya Pradesh, India, had a major inverter failure. With our “Instant fault detection and alerting” feature the O&M team got an update on emails & SMS within minutes with a first-level diagnosis of the issues. This led to an early resolution that saved them almost 4 days of downtime and 7 Lakhs in earnings.


All the Benefits: 


  • Immediate Alerts: Instead of relying on manual periodic inspections, detect issues as they arise. The O&M team receives instant notifications. 
  • Custom Alerts: Whether it’s an equipment malfunction, panel failure, or environmental anomaly, we have you covered as per your operational logic.
  • Early Diagnosis: In most cases, diagnosing the first-level problem allows for immediate action in the right direction. Saving a lot of to-fros and manual overheads.
  • Cost Savings: By avoiding prolonged downtime and addressing issues instantaneously, our system saves not just time but also considerable costs.


TrackSo Alarms are designed in such a way that it send an email and SMS alert instantaneously when a fault occurs at the site. This means you don’t have to wait days to find out what’s wrong or spend extra money to send somebody multiple times to diagnose the problem. You can now sit at your place and get to know about the exact issue on a plant that might be thousands of km away and can fix things faster and get the plant running again quickly.




Our commitment to advancing solar plant operations extends beyond harnessing clean energy—it’s about maximizing efficiency and minimizing disruptions. With our instant fault detection system in place, we’ve set a new standard for operational excellence in the renewable energy sector. Interested in learning more about Alarms & other features?


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