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  3. TrackSo Solar
  4. Units


This page list all the units belonging to that particular site of the account.

A unit can be any of the device that is being monitored on TrackSo platform, which includes Inverter, Meter, WMS, Solar Pump, SMB etc.

On the unit page you will find :

  • Unit : Name of the Unit
  • Unit_key: Unique identifier used by Trackso to carry the communication in the network.
  • Category : The category defines the category to which that unit belongs eg: Inverter, Meter, Sensor, Derived etc.
  • E.today :  Total energy produced by the inverter on the current day.
  • E Total : Total Energy produced by the inverter right from its first start.
  • Device Key : Unique Identifier of the data logger assosciated with that particular unit.
  • Device Number : Mobile number of the data logger/ dongle associated with that unit.
  • Status :

Unit StatusInference
The logger is able to receive data from the Slave device and continuously communicating with the Trackso platform.
The Logger is not communicating with the Platform.
This suggests logger is not able to get any response from the slave (inverter/meter/wms/smu) Modbus.

Move your cursor on the unit status and it will show you the last event error details.

Action Buttons :

This button is used to edit the unit details, the editable attributes include Unit name, Category, Device Key, Device Number.

This button deletes the unit from the site.


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