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Site Details

This section contains all the meta data associated with the site.Users can view as well as edit the site metada by using the ‘Edit’ icon present on the top right section of the site details page.

  • Site Name- Enter site name which you wish to view on platform (max 20 characters)
  • Site Description
  • Installation Type–  Ex- On-Grid/Off-Grid/WMS/Hybrid etc
  • Lattiude & Longitude- Site Location
  • DC Capacity (in kWp)
  • AC Capacity (in kWp)
  • Panel Brand- Select Panel Brand from the dropdown
  • Panel Model- Select Panel Model no. corresponding to Selected Panel Brand
  • Panel Average Tilt
  • Panel Count- No. of panels installed at the site
  • Manager Name
  • Manager Phone No.
  • Expiry Date
  • Timezone- Timezone of the site ( Select Asia/Kolkata for sites located in India)

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