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  4. Alarms
  5. Rule Events

Rule Events

Rule events is the premium feature of the Trackso platform wherein logs can be viewed when a certain predefined’rule’ has been triggered. A rule  is defiend as a user defined condition that is imposed on a parameter. For example, a ‘rule’ is created on lets day ‘Daily Energy’ parameter, the rule states that when the value is less than 50kwh then trigger the event.  

Filters : The filters allows users to filter out the events on the basis of :

  • Date time Selection : A user can filter the dates out to scroll through the historic data.
  • Site Selection : User can make a selection of the sites for which they need to see the data.
  • Alarm status: A user can make the selection of the ongoing alarms (open) or the ones that have occured and are catered (closed) alarms

The logs of the inverter alarms are shown in a tabular manner, with an easy to interpret view :

  • Site : Name of the site where the alarm is occuring/occured.
  • Unit : The unit at which this alarm is occuring/occured.
  • Status : This key shows the current status of the Alarm , wether it is open or closed.
  • Operating State: Along with the alarm, Trackso retrieves the data from the platform to gather information about the current state of the inverter , when the alarm is occuring/has occured.
  • Fault : This paramter mentions about the fault for which the the alarm is occuring/has occured.
  • From : The timestamp at which the alarm has inititated.
  • To : The timestamp at which the alarm was terminated. Also, when the alarm is at open state , (-) is mentioned next to this column.
  • Duration : The Duration for which the alarm was in open state is the duration of that alarm .

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