Showing all 41 results
12VDC-2A DC Adapter
Ambient Temperature Sensor with Radiation Shield -MPT100
Ambient Temperature with Humidity Sensor 6930
Analog to Modbus Combiner-AIMS-4U-PPI-Converter
Analog to Modbus Combiner-AIMS-8U-PPI-Converter
Data Logger: TrackSo 4G-Lite WT-410M RS485
Data Logger: TrackSo 4G-Lite WT-410M RS485 with Wind Speed Sensor 4-20mA With One Year of Data Monitoring Charge
Davis Wind Speed and Direction Sensor (Anemometer)
Delta Ohm LP PYRA Lite Second Class Pyranometer
Dynalab Wind Direction Sensor
Dynalab Wind Speed Sensor
Dynalabs Module Surface Temperature Sensor
Dynalabs Silicon Irradiation Sensor
Dynalabs Wind Speed and Direction Sensor (Anemometer)
External GSM Antenna
Huawei E3372h-607 4G Dongle-USB Stick
Kipp and Zonen SMP10
Kipp and Zonen SMP3
Kipp and Zonen SMP6
MBMet-500-AB Solar Irradiation Sensor with Module Temperature-M. B. Control & Systems
Meanwell HDR-60-12 Industrial DIN Rail Power Supply
Meanwell HDR-60-24 Industrial DIN Rail Power Supply
Modbus RS232/RS485 to Modbus TCP/IP- Ethernet Converter-USR-TCP232-410s with IP65 box
Modbus RS485 to LORA Converter-2 Pcs [ Wireless RS485]
NES Silicon Solar Radiation Sensor -SOZ 03
NES Solar Irradiation Sensor with Module Temperature SOZ03
Shadow Ring for Pyranometer PM 10
Solar Module Temperature Sensor-MSPT-100
Solar Radiation Sensor Pyra 300 V
TP-Link TL-WA850RE Wireless Range Extender with WiFi to Ethernet Port
TrackSo – Sourayan Solar Radiation Sensor (Pyranometer) 0-5V and Modbus
TrackSo 6 CH Analog to Modbus Converter [TR621]
TrackSo AeroCone Rain Gauge Modbus
TrackSo Ambient Temp And Humidity Sensor
TrackSo Barometric Pressure Sensor SB100
TrackSo RTU↔TCP Protocol Converter WT-60M
USR-W610 – Modbus RS232/RS485 to Modbus TCP/IP- WiFi & Ethernet Converter
V3 Novus Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP Converter
WaveShare Isolated 8 Channel RS485 Hub with Rail-mount Support
Wind Direction Sensor WD 150IN
Wind Speed sensor WS102 -Anemometer